Kellyanne Conway Funny Conversation With Cuomo

CNN's Chris Cuomo feuded with White House counselor Kellyanne Conway during a lengthy interview on Monday, and the Trump surrogate accused the "New Day" co-anchor of "trying to go viral."

The interview lasted more than 30 minutes, but got especially heated in the final 10 minutes when Cuomo and Conway got into the way CNN has covered the Trump administration. Trump and his supporters regularly refer to CNN as "fake news," and Conway said that the network is obsessed with Russia instead of issues that impact the American people.

"You want to talk about Russia, I want to talk about the opioid crisis in this country," Conway, counselor to President Trump, said.

Cuomo fired back, asking Conway to tell the America people "they shouldn't believe all of the White House and the surrogates and your alt-right friends that want to destroy the responsible media."

The "New Day" star continued: "Tell them that they shouldn't listen to that stuff, that the media matters and they should judge stories on their face and that they shouldn't think that there's some type of agenda out to get the president on behalf of the fake press."

Conway responded, "OK, I know you're trying to go viral here."

"But you compromise my ability to reach people with information, when you say that whatever you don't like is fake," Cuomo said.

Conway then accused Cuomo of doing an "infomercial" and he responded by calling CNN "a symbol for accountability in this country."

Check out the video above.


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